Type 1 Diabetes Feed

Walking, Raining, Cleaning

Friday afternoon the roods pulled out of the fields and the cotton season was officially over for us.  Saturday morning we walked in the JDRF walk in Tucson.  The weather was beautiful.  The smallest member of our group did not want to wear her Big Shot shirt and was still holding a grudge for being cruelly forced to be part of the group.


On the way home it started to rain.  By the time we got back to the farm it had rained half an inch according to the "official" feed lot rain gauge.  I don't know what makes it so official but that is always what it has been called.  What a perfect end to a dry picking season.  Great timing too!

So far the Big Shots have raised $900 for juvenile diabetes.  Way to go!! 

I spent the day deep cleaning all the powdery dust from my house with help from Rodney (too wet for farm work) and the kiddos.  It is like shovelling snow while it is snowing to do it any earlier than before the first rain after picking.  Things are now spiffy and ready for the holidays.

We will be having cotton wreath classes this Friday evening and Saturday morning.  The cotton burs are prepicked as there are none left in the field but we will still do a farm tour weather permitting.  There is still alot of interesting farm stuff as the old crop is put to rest and the preparation for the next season begins.

We are very thankful that our first pick cotton ginned at 4.22 bales or 2079 pounds of lint per acre. 

Big Shots Are In The Building

Tonight our home is full of Big Shots.  Really Big Shots, you know the ones with a heart to serve and make our world better.  A herd of children big and small are spending the night and we will trek to Tucson in the morning for the JDRF walk to cure diabetes.  Our team name is Big Shots 4-H Club.

Of course we have to feed the stock before we go, so they will be getting an authentic farm experience at 5 am when they have to go help mix feed and feed the cows and goats.  Tom Sawyer has nothing on my kids when it comes to glamourizing chores and getting help from non-farm kids. I will then fill up their fuel tanks with breakfast burritos made with our farm fresh eggs and local breakfast sausage.

Our youth really wants to do good, sometimes we just have to show them the way.  It fills this Momma's heart with joy to see and feel all the support these kids are giving to my daughter who has juvenile diabetes.  I have tucked them in with quilts made by the grandmothers and great grandmothers in our family.  I hope it covers the kids in love.  I know the grandmothers smile.

The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation. ~Corrie ten Boom


Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation - Be A Big Shot

In case you don't know we are all Big Shots around here. That is members of the Big Shots 4-H Club.  We are named Big Shots because a huge part of our club is shooting sports like trap and skeet and archery.  Unfortunately, we also give big shots as two of our members have type 1 diabetes.  This year we are walking in the JDRF walk to find a cure for Juvenile Diabetes. 

Juvenile Diabetes is a big part of my life every day.  My daughter was diagnosed when she was six.  It is a horrible disease that never gives you a break.

Out of pain comes goodness though.  The Quilting Bee tonight was because of our Diabetes experience as is this really great chance to raise some money for the Juvenile Research Diabetes Foundation by either donating or walking.  


If you want to donate to my walk click here.

If you want to Walk with the Big Shots click here.

Here is a picture of my daughter throwing her last container of syringes away after going on an insulin pump.  It was a triumphant moment as she did not have to have a shot every time she ate anymore.
