Quilting Bee Feed

2nd Annual Quilting Bee

We will be having our annual quilting bee on November 12th at 4:00 pm at the First Baptist Church in Casa Grande.  Last year we had so much fun that no one wanted to quit at 10:00. So it is really nice that First Baptist will let us go as late as we want.


This is how it works.  Everyone is welcome.  Everyone brings what they can.  Whether it be fabric, batting, thread, sewing machine, willing hands to sew, cut, and tie, food, drinks, etc.  Somehow it all works out perfect and we end up with a lot of quilts to donate to Phoenix Children's Hospital anonymously. They become gifts with no strings attached that wrap love and warmth around children and families who are hurting. 


You can download a pdf flyer here. Download Quilting Bee Flyer pdf


The Quilting Bee - One of the Best Days


We finished 24 quilts last night.  It was such an amazing experience.  We laughed, we cried, we prayed, we created, we sewed, we tied, we loved, we didn't want to go home.  April, our quilt hander-outer at Phoenix Children's, will not be able to fit into her office it will be so stuffed with quilts.


It was so amazing how what everyone brought just went together and was just what was needed. This is how real communities are built.


It was such a night of grace.


We wanted to go longer but we only had rented the shop until 9:00.  One of the ladies said that next time we could have it at her church which is one of the oldest in town.  A 1938 building should be perfect for an old time quilting bee, but best of all we could go as late as we want.


The consensus was we need to have another one in January.  I hope you can join us then.

Little Elves Prepping For Quilting Bee

Little elves have been ironing, cutting, sewing, and baking in preparation for the quilting bee tomorrow night.


Bigger elves are coming out in force tomorrow night to make some loving gifts for sick children.  I am the luckiest woman to have such strong, caring, and Godly women in my life who always seem to have my back.  I may not deserve to be surrounded by such true women but I will accept the blessing anyway!

This boy of mine has made about 10 14 dozen cookies for our quilters today.  They are soo good that maybe a few dozen won't make it there at the rate they are being stolen when his back is turned.


Our quilts may not be works of art but they are very important works of heart.  And that is the best kind of work we can do. 

I also want to mention that if you can bring your sewing machine or quilt batting please do so.  After price checking quilt batting I found The Quilter's Corner on Florence Street to be the most economical in Casa Grande - even beating Michael's prices. 

It is OK (greatly appreciated) to bring supplies if you have some you wish to donate.  While we are having this at Kokopelli Quilt Shop we are there as renters only and our Quilting Bee is not affiliated with the shop.

Meanwhile, on the farm Rodney has been changing 300 knives on the stock cutter and being the best husband ever for picking a bag of cotton burs for his quilting obsessed wife.  It looks like a lot of farmers here are having good yields.  Hip hip hooray!!

Now if that kid is not looking I am going to snatch a cookie and go work on some quilts.  He may be young and quick but I am crafty.

Beautiful Fabric sent by a Colorado Farm Family For the Quilting Bee - Thank You!!


All of this beautiful fabric came in the mail today from one of my blog readers in Colorado.  This will make great quilts and I am sure the children who receive them will feel your love wrapped around them.  I am just itchin' to start sewing on these.  Thanks so much Lanier Farmily!!

Only two more days of cotton picking left barring rain, wind or breakdowns.  I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed while knocking on wood and saying a little prayer.  You get the idea.  

Winter has definitely arrived in Arizona.  It is colder than a well digger's nose in the Klondike.  I am off to finish processing pumpkin for pumpkin pie.

First Annual Quilting Bee - November 6th


In November of 2006, we almost lost our daughter to Type 1 diabetes.  Thanks to the good Lord and Phoenix Children's Hospital we have her back.  Every year since then, our family has sewed quilts that are given to a very special staff member at Phoenix Children's who gives them to the children who need the love and warmth sewed up in those quilts the most.  It is our way of trying to be our Lord's physical hands to wrap around these sweet babies and their families.  All quilts are donated anonomously.  While we do not know exactly who gets them, we do know some of their stories.  Some come home to their families and some go home to their Father in Heaven.  One little boy received a dog themed quilt because he was missing his dog at home so much.  He never got to see his real dog again but was overjoyed with the quilt because it made him feel like his dog was with him.

Last year, my Mother in Love, our children, and I were able to donate 21 quilts before Thanksgiving.  This year we are asking for your help to donate even more.



We have rented the Kokopelli Quilt Shop's classroom on Friday, November 6th from 3-9pm to have a great big QUILTING BEE.  We will be providing decadent refreshments to keep the creative juices flowing!  Kokopelli Quilt Shop is on the corner of 10th Street and Pinal Avenue in Casa Grande. Email me if you have any questions


  • Come join us to sew, cut, and tie quilts.  Even if you have never even sewn before we can show you what to do.  If you are a sewer please bring your sewing machine.
  • Donate fabric in pieces of 2 yards or more as well as quilt batting.
  • Bring a decadant goody to keep our worker bees going.
  • Make quilts on your own and bring them to donate. See pattern instructions below for what we make, but feel free to do your own thing if you want.
  • Feel free to come for the whole time or just what you can.
  • Spread the word.



 The quilts are really just two square pieces of fabric and a piece of batting. Sew all three pieces together, leaving an opening to turn inside out. Turn it inside out, press, and topstitch the edges.   Tie it in 12 or so places through the blanket. It is a super quickie.   I have been using 2 yards of fabric for the top and 2 yards for the bottom with crib sized quilt batting.