Baby Cotton
Cotton Bur Wreath Kits Available

Fun At 15

It was great to talk a little about what we do on the farm and how to make a cotton bur wreath today on Sonoran Living.  I was completely spoiled by Julie Murphree of Arizona Farm Bureau who set up the segment. 


After the taping, we had a delicious lunch at Liberty Market in Gilbert - they have the best real fresh food. 

The picture above shows  Christmas, Spring and Fall themed wreaths.  Our classes in wreath making start in October and run through April.  We will be listing wreath kits to order on the site in the next couple of days.

By the way, the show should air this Saturday at 11:00 am. 


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How totally wonderful!!! You & your wreaths are beautiful!!! And you are AMAZING!!! I haven't the first clue how you do it all!!!

PLEASE, in your spare time, write a book! You could probably write several books - gardening, crafting, cooking/baking, living simply yet abundantly, homeschooling - the list goes on for ever! They would be best sellers in absolutely no time and then we'd see you making these wreaths on the Today Show! The books would also be so very helpful to everyone - especially me!

You are too kind.

These cotton wreaths are so gorgeous - I could never make one in a million years. I wish I could see the feature you did on Sonoran Living. Will be offline for two weeks from Monday as I am taking my parents to Georgia and South Carolina for a two week vacation (must try to bring back some cotton even though it is not the right time of the year!!).

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